As you read this today, somewhere around the globe, someone (besides us) is sure to be in school, already racking their brains to understand some new formula or simply doodling on the side of a notebook, pretending- in all honesty, …
This is not about the classic attractions of London. We shall not inform you on the London Bridge or Buckingham Palace, assuming that, even if you were to be catapulted in the midst of London on one of those terribly …
Travelling, customs and communication Once we have chosen a destination, we have already begun our journey… whether we are talking about prior planning to travel to faraway places or simply about an on-the-spot decision to go somewhere nearby. Between you …
Cursuri de vară În ciuda faptului că vara miroase a vacanță, la Flying Colours ne-am adunat cu mic cu mare la cursurile de vară organizate cu atâta entuziasm, de profesorii noștri creativi care ne surprind întotdeauna cu ideile lor, iar …