How Do You Spell „Wednesday” ?
Let’s give it a try together. It will all eventually fit into place, promise 😉
So, first we’ve got ‘W’. Capital letter!
‘W’ for ‘what are we doing today?’ or ‘where is my teacher?’ or ‘what is bunting?’  or ‘what….?’
Answers beginning with the same sound: ‘Well……’ followed by thorough inner and outer searches for explanations, questions arising from other questions and eternal spins- around yourself, the camp, the people herein, etc.- well, you get the picture 😉
‘E’ is for entertainment- plenty thereof. Entertainment isn’t all it’s cut out to be. Meaning, sometimes we get it right, at other times we get it wrong, much like everyone else. Nothing is perfect. Not even talent. But that’s precisely where beauty lies.
‘D’ is for ‘distraction’. It is easy to get distracted, especially by the daze of summer days in the mountains. Accidents may happen. You might trip, you might stay up late and you might buy too many sweets. It is great to know when to stop or to actually listen to advice on these delicate matters 😉 In the end, it’s all about the lessons you learn. And the people you learn them with.
’N’ is for no. This word is truly underestimated. Just remember it can be very empowering..
Another ’E’ to be considered. Could it be for ’exciting’? We think so. Any further detailing is redundant. It’s summer, it’s a camp, it’s in the mountains 😉
’S’ is speak. Speak your mind! Say whatever you consider to be important for you and the ones around you. Don’t be afraid, words may do a world of good.
’D’ again, for don’t worry, be happy.
Or for do it yourself accessories, which settles our accounts for ’A’ as well.
And ’Y’ is for yesterday. Because Wednesday was yesterday. And, like the song goes, ‘…I believe in yesterday’.
OK. So, how was the spelling session?
Let’s revise how it was not: it wasn’t ‘Wensday’, ‘Wendsday’ or ‘Wedsday’.
WEDNESDAY. Beautiful Wednesday. That’s it! We managed, as promised.
And you have to agree that the funniest part was getting it wrong before finally getting it right 😉