Diateza pasiva in engleza. Tips & tricks care sa te ajute sa-ti pui la punct gramatica

Necunoasterea gramaticii limbii engleze este un impediment in calea vorbirii corecte si construirii unui discurs corect si coerent. Din acest motiv, trebuie sa ai in vedere nu doar sa ai un vocabular dezvoltat de engleza, ci sa poti folosi cuvintele si verbele intr-un mod corect din punctul de vedere al constructiilor gramaticale.
Folosirea incorecta a constructiilor gramaticale poate conduce la transmiterea unui mesaj incorect, iar destinatarul poate sa fie indus in eroare sau sa nu inteleaga ceea ce-ti doresti sa-i spui. Una dintre problemele considerate mai dificil de inteles o reprezinta si diateza pasiva in engleza.
Ce e diateza pasiva in engleza?
Diateza pasiva se foloseste cu verbul auxiliar ”to be” si cu forma a III-a a verbelor la care se adauga ”by”, insa nu in toate situatiile.

Diateza pasiva in engleza se imparte in sase categorii, astfel:
I Traducerea se face cu ”a fi” + ”de”:
A fi ajutat de… => To be helped by…
A fi inconjurat de… => To be surrounded by…
A fi mancat de… => To be eaten by…
Eu sunt ajutat de ei ori de cate ori am nevoie = > I am helped by them anytime I need.
II Traducerea se face cu ”mi se”, ”ti se”, ”i se”, ”ni se”, ”vi se”, ”li se”:
To tell;
To give;
To show;
To buy;
To bring;
To send;
To teach;
To explain;
To forbid;
To promise;
To permit;
To answer.
I se spun povesti de către mama lui in fiecare seara => He is told stories by his Mother every evening.
III Verb + prepozitie adverbiala
We look at them (verbul ”look” + prep. Adv. ) => Noi ii privim;
We are looked for by them = > Ei ne cauta.
IV Substantive + ”se” => se foloseste de regula in cazul generalizarilor.
Tables are made of wood => Mesele se fac din lemn;
Horses are tamed little by little => Caii se imblanzesc putin cate putin;
Whales are prohibited to be hunted => Se interzice vanatul balenelor.
V ”It” + ”nominativ” => verbe cu ”se” + ”ca”
It is known (that) I sleep little => Se stie ca dorm putin;
It is seen (that) they understand English => Se vede ca ei inteleg engleza;
It is supposed (that) everyone goes out today => Se presupune ca toti vor iesi afara azi.
VI ”Nominativ” + ”infinitiv” => se traduc ca pasive ”V” – verbe cu ”se” + ”ca”
I am known to sleep little => Se stie ca dorm putin;
They are seen to understand English => Se vede ca ei inteleg engleza;
Everyone is supposed to go out today => Se presupune ca toti vor iesi afara azi.
Exercitii cu diateza pasiva in engleza:
Una dintre cele mai bune strategii pentru a ajunge sa stapanesti folosirea diatezei pasive in limba engleza este rezolvarea unui numar cat mai mare de exercitii.
Iata cateva care te pot ajuta:
Treci la diateza pasiva in engleza propozitiile urmatoare:
They will finish the work today.
He has found your bag.
I will invite my friend to a party.
Someone has found the missing child.
A specialist will repair my TV set.
His coworkers must do something for him.
People play football all over the world.
The noise frightened me.
They are building a new house round the corner.
They were building a new supermarket in that district last month, when I passed by.
Treci propozitiile urmatoare la diateza pasiva in engleza in doua feluri:
transformand complementul direct in subiect;
transformand complementul indirect in subiect.
The doctor prescribed some pills to the patient.
They have given me a nice present.
The policeman will show us the way.
I teach them English.
I have lent John two of my books.
The jury awarded the Romanian film director the Great Prize.
The guide showed the museum to the tourists.
They will give me a reward.
My friend doesn’t always tell me the truth.
The teacher asked me a difficult question.
Treci la diateza pasiva urmatoarele propozitii care cuprind combinatii de verb + prepozitie:
They didn’t look after the children properly.
We called for the doctor.
We couldn’t account for his odd behaviour.
Burglars broke into the house.
Don’t speak until someone speaks to you.
He hasn’t slept in his bed.
We laughed at John.
We objected to his proposal.
They set fire to the shed.
Pentru a intelege mai bine diateza pasiva in engleza si a lucra eficient, nu ezita sa faci o evaluare de nivel si sa consulti oferta noastra de cursuri engleza. Sa nu stii nu e o rusine, sa nu iti doresti sa inveti si sa nu-ti dai voie este o alegere gresita insa!